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Thursday, May 24, 2018

How To Overcome Lazyness :Tv For Everything

Please Read This Article In A Place Where You Feel Relax.
Please Don't Leave This Article From Middle

Before You Wan't to Overcome Laziness, Just sit at a place where you feel comfort and relax and just think at the past how did you waste your time while you were lazy and try to find out the real issue behind it.

What is Laziness? Laziness is actually a desire to be idle or to resist effort.
Everybody From us to a famous scientist are lazy. You must be thinking how a famous scientist be lazy, the answer is simple, they just left the work which they wanted to do in middle.
Laziness now can be justified as our daily activity of our life, we can't completely remove it.
So Let's start

Ask the Following Question to yourself

  1. What am I trying to avoid? or What I don't want to do?
  2. What do you gain if you don't do the action? or What do I wan't to do
  3. What is the next step that I can do?
  4. Repeat all the step.
Answer the question truly.

Running Toward Action Is Always Better Than Running Away Action

Beginner Guide 

If you are beginner, you must have to do hardwork to overcome laziness. For them Please follow these schedule:
  • Work for 10 min and give a leisure time/ break for 5 min
  • And then Gradually increase the time as Work for 20 min and give a break for 5 min
  • Then 30 min and give break of 5 min
  • Then 1 hr and give break of 10 min
  • then Gradually you will overcome laziness

Remove All The Escape Route/ Distraction

Many a time our favourite item such as Android Phone, Computer, Tv, etc are attracting ourself.
For those please follow this step:
  • Phone : Keep the phone in silent mode and keep it at other end of our home
  • Tv : Remove the powercord of tv / set- top- box and keep it at other end of home
  • Computer: Shut Down/ Hibernate your computer And Remove the power cord of Cpu and keep it at other end of house
  • Laptop: Shut Down/ Hibernate your Laptop and keep it at another end of house

Work Place

Choose a place where you feel relax comfortable such as garden, roof etc.

Breaking Down Work

People usually avoid doing bigger work, they usually get bored and become lazy, so you must prefer have smaller work or series of smaller work. Breakdown a work into series of smaller Work.

One Work At A Time

Doing / Focusing on a work is always beneficial to do the work

Think About Advantage

Many a time when people start overcome they started thinking : I can't do
If we think about the advantage we get encourage and get interest doing this work.

Encourage Yourself

If you are thinking that now you con't overcome laziness just start encouraging yourself by the following word :
  • I can do this
  • Doing this will make me stronger
  • I had the potential to this work....etc

Rest | Sleep | Exercise

A person should sleep almost 10 hrs for better day. If you don't complete 10 hrs sleep please complete it . Do exercise Everyday.

Inspiraton | Moltivation

Now think What do you Want to become and whom did you inspire?
Was it a famous personality or someone in your realation.
Think About Him / her big deed and get encourage by them.

Now it's your Chance
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Give me comment :
I, (name) had started a fight against laziness.

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